What is GearWolf?
YAGIS --- Yet Another Gear Info Site...
Well Yes. But hopefully with a difference. Hopefully a BIG difference. Our goal is to allow GearPack members to present, share, organize useful Gear information in ways you will value. To this end, we have felt it necessary to begin our own forum tool open source project -- XUFOR. You can check out its new home on Google code: http://www.xufor.org/
With Xufor, we hope to increase the ability of the community to interact in positive ways, and for our occasional guests to find value in GearWolf more easily. It should be interesting, and we invite you along.
In the beginning, though it is just me blogging about my audio odyssey. You will find an initial slant on practical audio. However, the range of the GearWolf pays little heed to fences. As I and my band of erstwhile friends are fairly technically minded, there will be plenty of tidbits to come cutting a swath across your life. A good wolf pack takes prey where it can be found.
An essential goal of GearWolf is the pack.
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